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Project Management: Best Practices for Managing Projects Effectively

Writer: Bryan TamburrinoBryan Tamburrino

Updated: 2 days ago


In this age of rapid change and intense competition, project management is a key component of business success. Having the right skills and knowledge to manage your projects effectively can help you implement innovations more quickly and efficiently, reduce costs by eliminating waste, and increase profits by focusing on what’s most important for your organization. This guide will walk through the steps involved in managing a project from start to finish: planning, analyzing risks and creating a schedule, managing activities and tasks on time-lines; communicating with stakeholders regularly; building in quality assurance into every step of the process so that every deliverable meets expectations; following up after each milestone so that nothing falls through cracks; identifying lessons learned from past projects—and applying them again as needed—to avoid repeating mistakes; etcetera!

  • Plan your project

  • What is a project?

  • How to plan a project

  • Why is it important to plan?

  • Why is it important to have a plan?

Projects don't happen by themselves. They require planning, scheduling, and coordination with stakeholders throughout the process. A good project manager will make sure that everyone involved in the project understands what they are supposed to do and when they need to do it by creating an effective timeline for completion of specific tasks (this is called "scheduling").

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Analyze project risks

Risk management is one of the most important aspects of project management. Before you can begin to manage your project, you need to analyze all potential risks that could arise and determine which ones are likely. Once you have identified these risks, assess them for impact (how much will this risk affect my project?), probability (what's the likelihood that this risk will occur?) and severity (how bad would it be if this happened?). Then prioritize them based on their impact and probability; high-impact, low-probability events should be addressed first so they don't become major issues later on in your project timeline.

Once you know what threats exist within your environment, it's time for action: implement mitigation strategies such as developing contingency plans or hiring additional staff members who have experience dealing with similar problems before they arise again in future endeavors. Finally, monitor all ongoing activities related directly or indirectly with each identified threat until it has been resolved successfully

Create a project schedule

A project schedule is a list of activities and their start and end dates. It's a critical component of a project plan, as it allows you to plan for the timing of your work. A schedule may be created using Zoho Projects or another tool

An important thing to remember about scheduling is that it's not just about creating an accurate timeline; it's also about managing risk by identifying potential problems early on so they can be addressed before they become serious issues.

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Manage project activities and tasks

Track project progress. The first step to managing your projects effectively is tracking the progress of each activity and task in a project management software, such as Zoho Projects

Manage project activities and tasks. Once you have a good grasp on what needs to be done, it's time to break down those big-picture goals into smaller chunks by assigning individual tasks to team members who are responsible for carrying them out at specific times during the duration of your project (for example: "I will finish writing my report on March 1st"). This step can be difficult if you're new at this type of thing--but don't worry! There are plenty of resources available online that can help teach you how exactly how do this properly (see below).

Use project management software: One popular option is Zoho Projects (our partner)--but really any tool will do so long as it allows users create tasks within their respective projects while also providing tools like calendars where users can track deadlines associated with these individual assignments (and even collaborate).

Use PMBOK process: Another important aspect involves following established industry standards such as those found within The Project Management Body Of Knowledge ("PMBOK") guidebook series written by practitioners like yourself who wanted more clarity around best practices when managing projects effectively."

Communicate with stakeholders to keep them informed of the project status.

When you're managing a project, it's important to keep your stakeholders informed of the project status. The reason for this is that if they are not in the loop, they may assume that everything is progressing according to plan and will not have any reason to question your decisions or actions. If you fail to communicate with them effectively, they may become confused about what's happening on the project and begin asking questions like "Why hasn't my input been included in this decision?" or even worse: "What are we doing wrong?"

To ensure effective communication with stakeholders:

Keep them updated on progress as often as possible (weekly reports work well). This helps them feel involved in what's going on with their precious resources being spent on this particular endeavor; it also gives them confidence that things are moving forward according to plan--or at least heading toward some sort of conclusion!

Build in quality assurance to ensure that projects meet expectations.

Quality assurance is a process to ensure that a product or service meets the customer's requirements. It's an important part of project management, as it ensures that your project stays on track and meets expectations. Quality assurance should be planned and built into the project plan, so you can make sure it happens regularly throughout each stage of your work:

If you're working with software development teams, quality assurance will likely happen during testing phases where they test their code before releasing it to clients or customers. For other types of projects (like website design), quality assurance might mean getting feedback from beta users who try out early versions of what you're building so they can report back any issues they find with functionality or usability issues.

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A well-planned and executed project will result in customer satisfaction and profitability for the organization.

A well-planned and executed project will result in customer satisfaction and profitability for the organization. A poorly planned or executed project can have a negative impact on an organization's reputation, finances, and productivity. Project management is essential to ensure that projects are completed successfully.

Project planning involves identifying all tasks needed to complete a project; estimating timeframes for each task; prioritizing activities based on importance; identifying resources required (human resources such as employees or contractors); creating schedules with deadlines for each step in order to ensure timely completion of milestones; tracking progress throughout execution of tasks so that any delays can be identified early enough so they do not affect overall delivery date targets.


Project management is a valuable skill for anyone working in a business environment. It can be applied to any type of project, whether it's managing an office move or developing software for a new app. The key to successful project management lies in careful planning and execution--and that means having the right tools at your disposal!

Bryan Tamburrino, CEO of tangible analytics consulting

For more information about putting this information to work at your organization contact Bryan at ( 203) 954-5121 or



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